KlimaatPositief (ClimatePositive) helps professionals act on climate change.
We spend about 80,000 hours at work. If we use this time to contribute to a sustainable future with our work, we can all make a massive impact.
KlimaatPositief offers inspiration and resources to a Dutch-speaking audience to help speed up climate action in The Netherlands and beyond.
KlimaatPositief helps professionals act on climate change. The urgency and importance of climate action are clearer than ever. However, becoming aware of the climate crisis and turning awareness into action can be a major challenge.
Based in The Netherlands, KlimaatPositief primarily supports Dutch-speaking professionals and is therefore written in Dutch. That being said, feel free to reach out and connect to see how KlimaatPositief can add value to your climate journey!
Paulien Boone
KlimaatPositief is founded by Paulien Boone. She has an academic background in International Relations and started her career at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since then, she worked for youth-led and grassroots organizations, as well as for The Hague Institute for Global Justice and for UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency. Since 2019 she works as an independent consultant with clients such as CARE, the international humanitarian organization fighting global poverty. Her consultancy is now focused on climate action.
Before launching KlimaatPositief Paulien took specialized courses on climate action and became a Climate Reality Leader within Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project. Paulien lives and works in The Hague, the international city of peace and justice. Her working languages are Dutch and English.